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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
    Gost: mavrica
     april 29 2009 18:20  (Prebrano 1275 krat)  

    Kot ste lahko prebrali na tem portalu na pod naslovom Je svinjska gripa res podtaknjena?, se je to res zgodilo. Tako sporoča več kanaliziranih virov bitij svetlobe, me drugim tudi Jezus. Ne v paniko in strah. Nevidna bitja svetlobe nam pomagajo virus z nevtralizacijo ustaviti. Žal ne uspem sporočil prevesti iz angleščine v slovenščino. Sporočila iz raznih virov danes kar naprej prihajajo.
    Dr. Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC (demokratski poslanec Kalifornije) organizira v petek 1. maja skupno svetovno psihično akcijo za deaktivizacijo virusa. Sodelujte v tej akciji vsaj 15 minut. Izberite in osredotočite se na eno od naslednih aktivnosti:
    1)osredotočite se na imunizacijo ljudi, da ne bodo zboleli;
    2) osredotočite se na hitro zdravljenje obolelih;
    3) osredotočite se na postavljanje zaščite za posameznike in večje skupine okoli materije virusa, ko se širi od enega na drugega.

    Kako to izvajajte, je napisano v spodaj prilepljenem povabilu za akcijo v angleškem jeziku. (Jaz nimam časa vsega tega prevesti v slovenščino, če pa kdo lahko to naredi za tiste, ki ne razumejo, pa se mu zahvaljujem) V akciji nam bodo pomagala v usmirjanju energije tudi nevidna bitja svetlobe.
    Lahko pa tudi pomagate na ta način, da le molite ali pa meditirate za dober izid.
    Akcija se bo izvajala v petek, 1. maja ob času navedenem v povabilu. Za nas velja ura ob petih popoldne.
    Joint Psychic Exercise to deactivate the Cabal's bioengineered letha

    I am announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the lethal swine flu worldwide epidemic.
    This critically-important Joint Psychic Exercise takes place this Friday, May 1. (Exact Time below)
    The JPE’s purpose is to stop the spreading of and infection by the lethal Swine Flu virus worldwide epidemic. Star Nations informed that this virus is bioengineered by the Cabal to be specifically lethal to Meso-Americans, but is also harmful to other ethnicities. The evil Cabal cartel has been unleashing the virus in various countries.
    I have requested Star Nations to join in, too, and lend us their co-assistance.
    It is suggested that you engage in this Joint Psychic Exercise for at least 15 minutes. Some may choose to spend longer.
    Star Nations recommends that people focus their psychic energy on one of the three activities below; (not two or three, because Star Nations says that Human concentration is not yet strong enough to spread the focus effectively among more than one at the same time.) So, select which of the three helping activities you will do.

    1) Some participants can focus on Immunization of the Human race. You can by intention send energy to focus on preparing people's immune systems to be able to respond correctly - with speed and precise targeting of the virus - and without exaggerated and non-essential attacks. This can be done through energy focus into the physical bodies and bio-energy systems of all of Humanity.
    [Star Nations notes that Star Seeds - specifically those born later who are activated - will already have a strong advantage in this illness as it was a part of the genetic upgrade - and they will not run as high of a fever as those who are non-Star Seeds and some of those earlier-generation Star Seeds without the lower body temperature. The lower base body temperature allows Humans to not react as violently to these forms of illness.]
    2) A second option is for some to focus on the rapid healing of those infected. Directing psychic healing energy to new growth, to the ability to absorb new energy for health, and for the cleansing of all toxins within the physical body. And sending energy of mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and new strength to those who will need such.
    3) Finally, one group can set focus on the shielding of individuals and larger groups. This also can include placing shielding around the virus material as it passes from one to another so that the energy shield will contain the material and allow the body to remove the material naturally.

    If you do not feel you can do psychic energy work, you can instead make a prayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to this threat posed by the weaponized Swine Flu virus.

    The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is as follows:
    (Daylight Saving/Summer Time where applicable)

    Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am - Friday
    Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am
    Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am
    Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am
    Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10 am
    New York/Washington, DC/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11 am
    Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon
    Sao Paulo, Brazil: 12 noon
    Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3 p.m.,
    London/Dakar: 4 pm
    Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pm
    Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm
    Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm
    Dubai: 7 pm
    New Delhi: 8:30 pm
    Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, Friday
    Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Friday
    Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Saturday
    Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Saturday
    Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Saturday
    Auckland, NZ: 3 am Saturday
    Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Saturday

    If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and back-time or forward-time (time-jump by intention) your effort to coincide with ours.
    Thank you.

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
    President, Star Kids Project. LTD
    Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009 USA

    To get on my DrRichBoylanReports news mailing list, send one subscribing email to:
    To join my participative group (UFOFacts) of lightworkers, Star Seeds and others involved in UFOs, Star Kids, Star Seeds and the renewed world we're building, send a subscribing message to: UFOFacts-subscribe@yahoogroups.

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