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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Okolju prijazno, eko & bio... Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     Zemljevid okoljsko neodgovornih projektov
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     april 17 2009 10:44  (Prebrano 2210 krat)  
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290


    FoE in CEE Bankwatch sta pripravila prenovljen zemljevid okoljsko
    neodgovornih projektov, ki jih financira denar EU. Focus drustvo za
    sonaraven razvoj je prenovo zemljevida podprlo z vkljucevanjem
    projekta TES 6 na zemljevid.

    Vec informacij je na voljo spodaj.

    Lep pozdrav,

    Lidija Zivcic

    CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe
    For immediate release: Thursday 16 April, 2009


    Faster crisis use requires much smarter thinking say environment groups

    Brussels, 16 April - CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth
    Europe today warned that environmentally destructive and economically
    unsound projects, at a total cost of 23 billion euro, in the ten new
    member states of central and eastern Europe, may receive an 'un-smart'
    green light as the European Union seeks to rapidly deploy billions of
    euros to offset the worsening economic crisis.

    Launching an updated map of 55 major infrastructure projects [1], the
    campaign groups called for smarter, more effective and more transparent
    use of EU public money that can deliver long-term jobs and environmental
    added-value for a region that is now in the grips of recession and
    struggling with still highly inefficient use of energy. They highlight
    projects such as motorways and incinerators, the bulk of which are still
    in line for funding from the EU structural and cohesion funds and the
    European Investment Bank, and several of which are already being funded.

    Magda Stockiewicz, director of Friends of the Earth Europe, said: ?The
    EU funds have always been a key source of financing for countries in
    central and eastern Europe and they are set to play an even more
    important role as the economic crisis unfolds. It is not enough to
    simply accelerate EU spending. Now more than ever the spending must be
    smarter, more effective and more transparent, and most importantly it
    needs to combat climate change, the most urgent and severe crisis of all.

    ?This is a unique opportunity for the new member states to harness
    available public finance and shift their economies towards low carbon
    development. It is the sensible thing to do if these countries want to
    remain competitive.?

    Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe previously outlined the
    systemic problem of planning major projects in central and eastern
    European countries, warning that many of the potential or planned
    projects are economically, environmentally and socially controversial
    and risk putting the new member state countries on a long-term climate
    intensive development path. The updated map shows how the countries
    continue to be preoccupied with the same controversial projects, and how
    unsustainable trends are increasing.

    Keti Medarova-Bergstrom, EU funds coordinator for Bankwatch and Friends
    of the Earth Europe, said: ?In the last year we have seen incineration
    projects that seek EU money jump from 18 to 22. If approved, these
    massive end-of-pipe facilities will block EU funding for more
    cost-effective and easy to implement solutions like separate collection,
    reuse and recycling schemes.

    ?In the transport sector, we have seen some positive developments that
    should be proof to public purseholders across the region that
    infrastructure needs can be reconciled with the natural and social
    environment. In the case of the Via Baltica expressway, one of the most
    controversial projects to feature on the 2008 map, just last month the
    Polish government decided to modify the route of one critical section ?
    the Augustow bypass ? in order to avoid cutting through the Rospuda
    Valley, a renowned Natura 2000 site. Other road proposals along the Via
    Baltica corridor continue to ring alarm bells and reflect the bigger
    issue of bias towards road building in the transport planning in these

    Anelia Stefanova, EU Affairs cooordinator for Bankwatch, said: ?We
    welcome the European Commission's efforts to help CEE countries tackle
    the crisis, but what we see on the table right now are a number of
    infrastructure projects where the development and stimulus effects, not
    to mention the climate impacts, are highly questionable. The vast
    majority of the projects that feature on our new map have yet to receive
    funding, which means that most of the environmental harm and money
    wastage can still be prevented. The economic crisis should not be used
    as a reason to deploy EU billions for controversial projects before a
    proper assessment of alternatives, a stringent application of EU
    environmental law and enhanced transparency mechanisms are in place.?


    For more information please contact:

    Keti Medarova-Bergstrom, EU Funds coordinator, CEE Bankwatch
    Network/Friends of the Earth Europe, Tel: +32 2 5420188, Mob: +32
    487627434, Email:

    Francesca Gater, Communications Officer, Friends of the Earth Europe,
    Tel: +32 2 542 6105, Mob: +32 485 930 515, Email:

    Greig Aitken, Media coordinator, CEE Bankwatch Network, Mob: +42- 605
    216 705, Email:


    Notes for editors:

    [1] The updated interactive map of projects for 2009 can be found online

    Watch Keti Medarova-Bergstrom discuss the new map of controversial
    projects as well as positive cases that show the way for sustainable use
    of EU funds at:

    Focus drustvo za sonaraven razvoj
    Focus Association for Sustainable Development
    sedez/headquaters: Maurerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    pisarna/office: Trubarjeva 50, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    skype: lidijaanna
    tel. + 386 1 515 40 80

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