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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     Keshe Foundation
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
    Gost: vesoljec
     oktober 27 2012 19:49  (Prebrano 23412 krat)  

    Keshe Foundation je neodvisna, neprofitna in nereligiozna organizacija, ki jo je ustanovil jederski inženir M. T. Keshe z namenom razvoja novih tehnologij, ki bi odpravile probleme lakote, bolezni, pomanjkanja vode, elektrike in ponudile rešitve tudi za naslednja področja:

      1. keshe space
      2. keshe health
      1. keshe energy
      2. keshe materials
      1. keshe environment agriculture
      2. keshe nanotechnology
      1. keshe transportation
      2. Learn

    Predstavitveni video Keshe fundacije (slovenski podnapisi):

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    Gost: vesoljec
     oktober 27 2012 19:51   

    Gost: asd
     oktober 28 2012 21:22   

    MTKeshe wrote:

    From now on it is the responsibility of each nation to take part in the spaceship program.

    All your government’s officials need to do is to send a message to the Keshe Foundation through from the embassy of the nation or the government and just make an appointment for us to make a USB key with all the information on it with documents of receipt ready for them to pick up the USB stick from the Keshe Foundation center in Ninove.

    Now the only way your nation can fall behind is through their own fault and their lack of interest in your nation and not for us to show a unit or chew the food for them. Let them make the unit themselves and then they can bring your nation up to present world of science.

    We are so open that now we leave 180 countries and territories to ask their university students to make the simple units and prove the technology to your nation and for them to bring their nations to join the spaceship program.

    As Italian’s and Sierra Leonean’s can tell your ambassadors from the spaceship USB stick that they have recived from us, we have even left the address of the manufacture of the systems on the stick that they can, if they like, order a copy reactor made for them, that they can immediately implement the initial testes if they like to follow our design or they can try their own versions.

    The real race for space for all world citizens now has started on equal bases and it cost less than few thousands euros to join the advance nations for self suficency in energy and space program.

    We foresee by end of the year the majority of the nations would have started their spaceship program and soon they realize that there is a need for implication of the ethos of peace as governmental and national frontiers are becoming irrelevant.

    Through our recent postings on the forum We have already received inquiries from governments that they would like to receive the spaceship USB sticks From the Keshe Foundation in the coming week for them not to be behind their neighboring countries.

    Please do not try to get in touch that you can pick up the key for your nation, as you are aware we only work with diplomatic credential passport and this has proven to be the only correct way to access the technology.

    It is the responsibility of each individual on this forum to let this news to be known by their government and let them to make request through correct channels for them to accept the USB stick as the government of Italy and others through these channel have received the technology in full.

    We are considering Tuesday the 6.11.2012 as the handover key day to different nations as we cannot go to every embassy one by one.

    We are trying to organize the third peace conference for early next year not for ambassadors but for world leaders once they understand what information they have received from the Keshe Foundation on these USB sticks.

    This time we are looking into Middle East for world leaders to attend the world peace conference as the first two presentations have been held in Europe.

    We have already made our interest known for our first priority location to the international organization in that part of the world and waiting for their response.

    Inform your ambassadors to make arrangements through their diplomatic corps with the Keshe Foundation with their representative dolomitic passport to attend the center on the 6.11.2012 and claim your nation’s rights to the SSP USB stick, for your nation to start their freedom from all earthly resources for their energy, space and health systems.

    M T Keshe
    The director of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Italijani so že prejeli tehnologijo:

    Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program

    Gost: gost
     oktober 28 2012 21:54   


    Gost: vesoljec
     november 06 2012 13:14   

    Tudi Japonska je že prejela tehnologijo:

    MTKeshe wrote:

    The Keshe Foundation is proud to announce that as of Friday 2 .11.2012 the Royal Imperial nation of Japan is the latest nation which has received the spaceship USB stick from the Keshe Foundation.

    The gift of the SSP program was handed over to the embassy of the Japan on Friday 2.11.2012 at 1.30 pm.

    From this day the nation of Japan can help its people to help themselves in cleaning-up of the Fukushima nuclear spillage using the gravitational space technology to contain any nuclear radiation leakage into the atmosphere and its surrounding areas.

    The transfers of technology to the government of japan allows the nation to develop their own new energy supply system. This making this nation independent of import of energy as the nation become self-sufficient in matter of handful of years.

    The content of all the SSP USB sticks for all nations is exactly the same and all are copied from the same mother master file. Therefore all nations receive the same patents and blueprint of apace reactor technology from the Keshe Foundation.

    We congratulate the nation of japan in reciving the SSP USB stick.

    We have offered the government of japan our full technological support to achieve and realize the technology as fast as possible for help in their present situation with the nuclear problem of the country.

    The technology transfer to the goverment of Japan was done on no charge bases and as free gift from the Keshe Foundation to the hard working nation of Japan.

    We welcome the nation of the japan into the SSP program family.

    M T Keshe
    The Founder of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 06 2012 20:09   

    In Sudan:

    MTKeshe wrote:
    The Government of The Republic of Sudan through the officials of their embassy in Belgium today 6 .11.2011 has received the spaceship technology of the Foundation in electronic form on USB stick at the Keshe Foundation center in Ninove Belgium.

    The content of the USB stick was shown to the officials to cover all patents and blueprints of energy and space reactor developed by the Keshe Foundation.

    Handover of the full know-how to the government OF the Republic of Sudan makes this nation the second country in Africa joining the Keshe Foundation program.

    We are pleased to announce that the Keshe Foundation has made the offer to the government of Sudan for Karton to become the center of the Keshe Foundation spaceship program flagship for East Africa.

    We welcome the nation and the government of Sudan into the Keshe Foundation spaceship program and family.

    The transfer of technology to the government of the Republic of Sudan has been on no charge bases and a gift from the Keshe Foundation to government and the nation of the Republic of Sudan.

    M T Keshe
    The director of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 08 2012 00:23   

    Naslednja država, ki je prejela patente in načrte tehnologije je Tajska.

    MTKeshe wrote:
    The Keshe Foundation would like to thank the Official of the embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in attending the first international health seminar at the Foundation’s center in Ninove Belgium today the 7th of September 2012.

    At the start of this seminar the Keshe Foundation through its director handed over to the official of the Kingdom of Thailand the spaceship program USB Stick containing all patents and blueprints of the space energy reactor of the Foundation.

    The Keshe Foundation has offered and has transferred these technologies free of any charges and as gift to the prosperous nation of the Thailand.

    We thank the official of the government of Thailand and we have agreed the immediate cooperation with scientists of the nation for development of the technology through direct teaching of their scientists for them to achieve the full development of the technology in the coming months.

    We welcome the nation and the government of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Keshe Foundation space program.

    M T Keshe
    Director of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 09 2012 00:03   


    MTKeshe wrote:
    The government of India today 8.11.2012 has received the USB stick containing all patents and blueprints of the reactors of the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.

    The technology transfer to the government of India has been on a free of charge bases and as a gift from the Keshe Foundation to Indian government and its kind citizens.

    We welcome one of the major powerhouses and advanced nations of present time to the Family of the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.

    M T Keshe
    The director of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 09 2012 00:17   


    MTKeshe wrote:
    Today the 8.11.2012 at 2 pm through pre-arranged time with the officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, the director of the Keshe Foundation handed over the USB stick containing all patents and blueprints of the space and energy reactor of the spaceship program of the Foundation to the government o of the Armenia.

    Armenian nation and culture has been close to the heart of the founder of the Foundation and we carry immense respect and love for this nation and its citizens.

    I personally welcome our Armenian brothers to the Keshe Foundation spaceship program with open arms and with gratitude.

    The nation and government of Armenia and all Armenians around the world we welcome you to our spaceship program and look forward to close and fruitful relationship and friendship with the Foundation and its Founder.

    M T Keshe
    Director of the Keshe Foundation

    Povezava do objave

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 10 2012 14:39   

    Države, ki že imajo Keshe Tehnologijo:

    Gost: vesoljec
     november 13 2012 14:42   

     november 24 2012 01:23   
    Forum Zvezdica

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