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     Zmaga Obame, kako bo vplivala na svet, bo boljši?
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     november 06 2008 08:35  (Prebrano 3140 krat)  
    Forum Admin

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    Ob včerajšni prepričljivi zmagi Baracka Obame, se je na svet vrnil optimizem, sam mislim, da se bo prvič po daljšem obdobju nekaj stvari dejansko spremenilo, na bolje.

    Kaj vi mislite, je tudi po vaše to dobra priložnost, za ekologijo in boljši svet?

    your life, your expression, your software
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     november 06 2008 08:38   
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
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    Evo sem dobil pisemce od avaza, v katerem nas pozivajo, da pišem Obami, da naj da največjo pozornost vprašanjem okolja, človekovim pravicam in miru.

    predvsem pri prvem in zadnjem imajo Američani precej velik moralni dolg do celega sveta.

    your life, your expression, your software
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    Gost: levinja
     november 07 2008 22:12   

    Več mesecev sem prebirala kanalizirana sporočila iz duhovnega sveta. Zelo veliko jih je napovedovalo zmago Obame. Sporočali so, da je Obama vzvišena prosvetljena duša, ki je prišla iz planeta Sirius na Zemljo, da bo prevzela v tem času velikih sprememb (političnih, gospodarskih, energetskih, v sistemu vrednot) vodenje ZDA. Ne bo voditelj le ZDA, ampak voditelj svetovnega slovesa, ki bo povedel svet v v zelo globoke spremembe. Sporočajo tudi, da ima izredne voditeljske sposobnosti, saj je bil voditelj že v njegovih prejšnjih življenjih na Zemlji. On je že bil enkrat v prejčnji inkarnaciji na Zemlji predsednik ZDA in sicer Abraham Lincoln. Zelo se je želel, da se v tem času velikih medplanetarnih energetskih sprememb, zlasti pa sprememb na Zemlji, vrne v nekdanjo svojo domovino ZDA. Sporočajo, da se on tega sedaj zavestno še ne zaveda, vendar pa se bo počasi začel. Sporočila govorijo, da je Obama eden najbolj spiritualno zaščitenih ljudi na Zemlji.
    Da je Obama res nekaj posebnega in da je njegova misija res božansko vodena, kažejo spodnja tri kanalizirana sporočila v angleščini. Takih sporočil pa je še veliko.
    A Reading From the Universal Akashic Records
    www.CarolynEvers. com
    ============ ========= ========= ========= ===

    Isis asked about reports that Barack Obama has healed people through touch. What is the truth of this?

    You know Mr. Obama as a Presidential candidate, but he is an elevated soul who has been sent here to unwind the decadent society which is embroiled in a struggle between the light and the dark.

    This soul is rather new to the circling experiences of this planet. He has come from another planet and has little experience on the Earth plane. He was sent here to be one who would change the evolution of the political scene. We see the possibility of being elected as President, whereby he will be supported by those from his home planet who will work very diligently to bring forth the equal playing field of peace and prosperity for the world view of equality.

    He will be a hardworking soul for peace and cooperation as these are his two goals for this lifetime. What he says will be direct and if one stops to weigh his words, they will be easy to understand without the subterfuge of deceit.

    Mr. Obama is not aware of his abilities on a conscious level, but his spiritual practices and abilities are evolving. What you see as healing individuals is really just a preparation for something much greater in his life; the healing of a nation and in it the intent to begin healing the world.

    This may sound like a grandiose mission, but it must start somewhere. We see that there is a very great possibility of his election to be the leader of your nation as president. The possibilities are moving towards that realm of probability. The turning point will be soon as there is still much division between the candidates. Know that this is a struggle between the light and the dark and the dark is not ready to concede.

    Mr. Obama’s real mission is to heal the nation as we said. However, in his many lifetimes he has been a healer on many different levels. He would have bound the nation’s wounds and united the North and South as Abraham Lincoln before he was assassinated by the dark. He has come again because he loves this country and also loves humanity. He understands the struggle between two rival sides and understands how to bring forth cooperation.

    That is his main mission. His ability to heal physical bodies is just beginning to surface. These are abilities that he worked upon while he journeyed in Egypt. He was an adept then and was incarnating in the Pharaonic line. He built pyramids and understands the vibration of sound. Of course this is contained in his data banks of past memories which are only now starting to surface.

    As you are aware Isis, he is closely aligned with the planet of Sirius and he is being followed by that hierarchy and he is being protected by that authority. We see that you will hear more about this ability as it will become main stream when the time is right to bring it forth.

    The Cherubim through Carolyn Evers

    Note: Gordon-Michael Scallion was a keynote speaker at an Edgar Cayce conference in May 2007. In a higher state of consciousness he was asked “Who will be the net U.S. President?”

    He responded, “Lincoln will once again occupy the White House."

    He was then asked, “Who is Lincoln?”

    The response was, “Obama.”

    You can have your questions answered through a reading of the Universal Akashic Records. You can go to www.CarolynEvers. com and order your reading.

    ~ Messages from Matthew ~

    "Attention is being given around the globe to the United States presidential candidates. Despite the rigged primary elections to favor Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s supporters waffling because he himself waffles, soon it will be glaringly apparent that Barack Obama’s greater popularity among voters will be sustained. Thus free will choices of the majority have been made and now, without influencing those choices one whit, we can reveal that in the energy field of potential, Obama’s momentum always was unstoppable, and we can tell you that this highly evolved soul with many lifetimes as a wise and just leader came from a spiritually and intellectually advanced civilization specifically to rise to his current prominence. At soul level he knows this is his mission, but consciously he is aware only of his innate leadership abilities and genuine intent to serve his nation as he so states; in time he will become consciously aware of his origin and purpose for embodying in this lifetime. Once he is in office, some darkly-intentioned persons expect to control him just as they and others before them have controlled a succession of U.S. presidents and many members of Congress. However, that vicious kind of governing is at an end, and contrary to the protestations of Hillary Clinton that this race is not over, she and other top Illuminati know they are witnessing the demise of their “secret government”; therefore, the Obama family members are among the most intensely light-protected persons on Earth."

    www.matthewbooks. com].
    LOVE and PEACE...Suzanne Ward
    Brotherhood of the Light on Barack Obama
    Channeled by Kathleen Long
    ============ ========= ========= =======

    It is with a heavy heart that this man takes on the trappings of a political process that is flawed beyond anyone's knowing OR imaginings. Let us say that it is no blight upon his heart as he knows and has been shown that this game however filthy, MUST BE played. Barak Obama indeed has a grand mission but that is not to say that Bush or McCain are not playing their roles as well--they are just as grand. They however are merely figureheads for a consciousness process, and represent a way of life that has kept the United States under the thumb of a group which has exerted a level of control that would distress even the hardline conspiracy theorists. These figureheads are being used by the group to maintain the energies of the old world; to uphold and proclaim that world 'real' and continuous, ongoing and powerful. The world that they represent, that energy, vibration and frequency, is a consciousness that is based, laced and founded in FEAR.

    This male oriented, definitive, aggressive and highly charged controlling energy has permeated politics in the United States. Obama penetrates that energy and to do so he must carry a bit of it himself--there is no other way, for his light must be inserted within that old energy in order to accelerate it. What may be perceived by the outside world as "politics as usual" for this one is definitely a ruse in order to allow him into the consciousness of the political order. His awareness allows for this without tarnishing his spirit, demeanor or his absolute desire to bring alive the energy and vibration that will begin this shift in consciousness. This is tricky, for this consciousness has its own ways and means of actualizing a goal that does not always match one's stated desire.

    For instance, in the last election, you voted for John Kerry and were devastated that Bush won, yet 'really it was you who won' for what you voted for, what the consciousness voted FOR was not a man--rather it was for dynamic change, a relinquishment of the old tyranny and old energy, BUT Bush needed to be there in the White House for the last four years in order for the these things to come to light. So, in voting for Kerry you consciously believed you were voting for the change you so desired and that would look like him (Kerry) becoming president, but in reality the change you voted for demanded Bush as president to bring about this current debacle, for always it is the consciousness that votes, it is the consciousness that shows forth, and it is obvious now that consciousness is changing. The outer world pictures the collective consciousness, and how could such disgraceful, distasteful magnifications of fear and injustice have come to light and been decried, if the Bush administration had been removed.

    So then on to Obama. He is representative of a new consciousness that is being formed by the collective. Will he be endeared to the White House in January? Well as you can see, every day gives new evidence of the old order falling. We say simply that it is the consciousness that again, as always that will vote. We cannot make a prediction because we cannot guarantee consciousness, since free will is in play but we can tell you with certainty the direction that your world is taking, and it is ever towards the light. There is a faltering of the previously formidable power that has maintained and conserved the old energy vibration and reality. That world is in its death throes.

    John McCain has solidly aligned himself with those whose only goal is to maintain the old world. Obama is under powerful protection and he plays his role perfectly, as he must walk a fine line, so that those who are 'on the fence' will not feel threatened. This is a part of the bigger Armageddon, a war within, a war that is played out daily and hourly in this country, a war between the consciousness of fear and that of love, between light and dark. John McCain is a candidate of fear it is that simple, no matter how denied.

    Barack Obama is a candidate of true change. Sarah Palin was plucked from the obscurity of a state very far from the lower 48 who does not identify with the consciousness of the U.S., as the vibration of that land is one in which there truly is no governance of any import; the land itself dictates the consciousness of Alaska as it is so sparsely populated it is not affected by the consciousness of man.

    The city of Washington DC breeds fear and power, it is of the consciousness that is old and waning. The men that have upheld it are but symbols of a time soon to pass. Barack Obama is not a symbol of corruption and power, greed and fear and he doesn't wear the face of the "old white men" who have perpetrated that consciousness. He walks within a truth that many see, many feel and many fear. He walks into the consciousness and stirs it up asking the citizens how they feel about their lives within a consciousness that wants to conserve the world as it has been: where power over others is seen as the primary barometer of one's worth, where women are absolutely not considered as equal, where greed and corruption hold sway.

    The founding fathers of the U.S. designed a template whereby freedom of expression was the goal, and as they determined the country's direction of equality, freedom and compassion, the movement began to release from the land and its inhabitants, repressive and regressive energies that were in opposition to that expressive freedom. What appeared was a history contained in the immigrants that came from all parts of the world that carried within it a fear based, male oriented, dominator consciousness.

    That history both hidden and overt began a journey into awareness. What is to change must be acknowledged. So the secrets of this consciousness have been/are being uncovered and are now on the table to be dealt with both individually and collectively. As planned, it has taken over two hundred years for those beings who came onto this planet to unveil the dark history of disempowerment, to set the stage for the release of that old consciousness, and make way for the entry of the light. Both singularly and collectively, humankind and especially those of this country have been working towards this day--a day when love takes its rightful place over fear as the motivator of consciousness.

    This light ignites and spreads across the land and is unstoppable. Beginning in the West, it sweeps like a firestorm, clearing the consciousness to awaken into a new paradigm.

    Now the fears that Obama is cut from the same cloth as those politicians of the past can be put to rest, as he holds no fear on the cellular level. He is accessible to those from other places and dimensions, and he is guided at each moment. This is something that is quite natural to him--so much that if you asked him whether he has had any otherworldly experiences, he wouldn't understand the question. Just as most people are used to their family and their way of life, he is used to the energies that assist him.

    Sarah Palin is a token placeholder- -a woman USED for her gender above anything else. She appeals to women of the mainstream consciousness, and 48 hours before this choice, McCain still did not know of it, as this was still being worked out by the controllers in charge of coordinating his political moves.

    All the while, the collective consciousness continues moving towards the shift, that may for many bring up feelings of trepidation and/or impatience, but as the election approaches, have no fear, as you will find your bearings in the moment when you GAUGE YOURSELF as to your place within that consciousness.

    This presidential election will truly set a new precedent. Ponder that play on words! The election, the vote, the choice is beyond any you have ever made in that you are voting for the actual shifting of the consciousness that has been in progress since the birthing of this great country. Individually and collectively, all of us are moving from victim to creator consciousness, aware and awake and alive within a consciousness that shifts DAILY. Each new change you see is in response to the inner calling of that consciousness.

    Barack Obama is of an energy unlike those of the Powers That Be, who exist in an "old boys' club." He speaks more in his silence and demeanor than those who are arrogant about their place in the history of the old order and their "wins" as members of that order. The thing about "winning" is that it means there must be a "loser" who is seen as diminished in the process. The new president will bring to the table the approach of uplifting the other into a place where all win.

    The great divide within this country is based purely on the consciousness that espouses separation and decries equality, for in oneness and equality, one cannot know power over another. The time has come for the ending of the global consciousness that embraces the love of power, and the beginning of the one that embraces the power of love. Know that Obama is NOT of a consciousness that has been around for a very long time in American history. His is not an energy of control but of empowerment. He is not of the mindset of separation consciousness, rather he is of a collective oneness. He must parade himself as a typical politician to a degree that will keep him in the race but he knows groundedness within the energy of his family--his wife and children. They hold him in the light he is. He puts on an act at times, playing the game that must be played. He is aware of this and it does not diminish him although at times he does find it difficult.

    So who should one vote for in this election? Many have already chosen, others are still undecided, but in the end it is the collective consciousness that casts the vote. Stay tuned, stay aware and awake as you progress toward one of the greatest moments in the history of Earth, as she is birthing into the light of a new day. Peace.

    Any comments you'd like to make on this material should be directed to Kathleen Longkathleenl_ 22@hotmail. com


     november 09 2008 08:59   
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
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    Zgleda, da bodo naslednje 4 oz 8 let res zanimivih. 'Wink

    your life, your expression, your software
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    Gost: re:
     oktober 23 2011 18:08

    Gost: Eckhart
     oktober 25 2011 00:08   

    Strup obamamanije
    ali o Obami in njegovi predsedniški prisegi na biblijo kot kršitvi laične Ustave ZDA!

    Moram reči, da nisem ravno strokovnjak za ameriško državo, njeno Ustavo in na njej temelječo civilizacijo. Kolikor pa poznam te zadeve, pa se vsekakor moram strinjati z opažanjem nekaterih na spletu glede protislovnosti pri delu zaprisege »novega« ameriškega predsednika Baracka Obame. Za kaj gre? Predsednik države – konkretno ZDA – ki je po Ustavi popolnoma ločena od kakršnekoli verske skupnosti in to že od svojega nastanka naprej (še predobro so se evropski kolonizatorji severne Amerike spominjali grozljivih razsežnosti civilizacijskega opustošenja zaradi genocidno verskih katoliško-protestantskih vojn, ko so se raznorazni člani duhovniške kaste s pomočjo države na plečih ljudstev borili za prevlado) – torej predsednik po Ustavi strogo laične države med seboj enakopravnih verskih skupnosti zaprisega na biblijo in uporablja pri tem besednjak »krščanske« duhovniške kaste. To prakso imajo v ZDA tudi v pravosodnem sistemu. V javnem šolskem sistemu ZDA pa ne boste zasledili konfesionalnega verouka – ne v ZDA prevladujočega protestantskega , ne katoliškega, ne islamskega, ne kakršnegakoli drugega. Tudi se verske skupnosti v tej državi financirajo povsem same s strani vernikov, od države ne dobijo niti beliča. Ima pa ameriška vojska vojaške kurate – kdo jih plačuje, ne vem, najverjetneje država. Torej vlada tudi v na papirju po Ustavi laični ZDA zmeda, čeprav občutno manjša kot recimo v Evropi.

    Zakaj torej ameriški predsedniki prisegajo na biblijo? Osebno vidim predvsem dva razloga: najprej najpomembnejši: večina Američanov je tako ali drugače biblijsko verna – in če hočeš priti na oblast, torej da te državljani »demokratično« izvolijo, moraš tudi ti biti vsaj javno »bibličen«. Drugi razlog izhaja direktno iz prvega: grozoviti »bog« protestantsko-katoliško-judovske biblije, oz. duhovniška kasta kot njegov izumitelj, je vesel načina, po katerem si ameriška in po njenem zgledu vsa ostala globalizirana kapitalska elita »pravilno« razlaga globoke biblijske »modrosti« in jih tudi udejanja v praksi: »Oko za oko, zob za zob!« »Zemljo in vse na njej sem ti dal, o človek, v preužitek. Dober tek!« »’Drugačni’ in ‘neubogljivi’ so čudni in avtomatski kandidati za kamenjanje!« - ipd. …….. Resnici na ljubo je treba reči, da so v bibliji puščeni celo zelo pozitivni vstavki, kot npr. 10 Božjih zapovedi/priporočil, Izaijeve prerokbe, Jezusov Govor na gori, ……. Toda zakaj vendar že tisočletja naveza duhovniške kaste z državnimi voditelji v praksi uresničuje le trdo, ljudomrzno jedro biblije, predvsem iz stare zaveze? Zakaj se ne le v zadnjih nekaj stoletjih moderne industrijske družbe, ampak že na tisočletja uničuje vse, kar je pozitivnega in se z neverjetno brezobzirno razdiralnostjo vojskuje proti Materi Zemlji in njenim kraljestvom narave? Naj zaenkrat omenim sledeči razlog: po mojem mišljenju zaradi prastare želje vseh egocentrikov: na eni strani je večina »revežev«, »slabičev«, ki so na svetu, kjer je Bog »mrtev«, »premagan«, samo zato, da kot sužnji služijo »meni«, egocentriku, najpopolnejšemu bitju in »centru« kozmosa ter meni podobni manjšini, ki je stopila na mesto »mrtvega« Boga. V Vatikanu že imajo enega, ki si že na stoletja pravi »sveti oče« in to naslavljanje pod grožnjo večnega prekletstva zahteva tudi od drugih – pa čeprav v njegovi sveti knjigi, bibliji, piše, da je svet samo Eden in Ta je v nebesih. Pri ustvarjanju bogataške elite, kateri služijo »navadni« ljudje, to je večina človeštva, pa ne gre v bistvu za nič drugega, kot za ustvarjanje dobaviteljev energije za »nas«, egocentrični cvet človeštva – pa naj bo to v obliki materialnih dobrin, ali kako drugače. Saj brez energije niti kihniti ne moremo, kajne? In če je edini resnični dobavitelj energije, Bog, »mrtev«, si pač moramo poiskati energijo drugje.

    Obama, aktualni, komaj zapriseženi ameriški predsednik naj bi bil čisti čudodelnik, saj bo menda »odpravil« tako vojne kot globalno segrevanje. Izgleda, da je situacija na svetu po zaslugi katoliško-komunistične-pa še kakšne elite, z bolj ali manj prisilnim strinjanjem »navadnih« ljudi že tako daleč, nepripravljenost za resnične spremembe smeri plovbe svetovne ladje (če dobro pogledaš, piše na boku ladje-svet »Titanik«) pa tako nizka, da množično nasedamo črno magijskemu zaklinjanju političnih elit: »Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, ……… - rešitev za vse, tudi za zobobol. Projekt »Obama« se je po osmih letih imperialnega divjanja Georga Busha moral zgoditi, saj bi drugače verjetno prišlo do resničnega upora širših dimenzij, začenši z duhovnim samospraševanjem o smislu bivanja – to pa se seveda ne sme zgoditi. Namesto neinstitucionalnega, nekonfesionalnega Kristusa in uresničevanja njegovega preprostega, a obenem genialnega nauka: »Kar ne želiš, da tebi kdo stori, tega tudi ti drugemu ne stori.« - ta nauk je ne samo po mojem mišljenju edina celovito učinkujoča rešitev, vladajoča elita ljudem ponuja Obamo, »čudodelnika«. V tem trenutku je vseeno, ali Obama iz mesa in krvi zavestno sodeluje pri manipulaciji, ali pa je samo spretno zapeljan in človek mogoče celo misli, da sodeluje pri nečem pozitivnem – glavno je, da zadeve tečejo za elito v pravo smer.

    Nisem edini, ki ne vidi bistvenih razlik med ameriškimi demokrati in republikanci. Kot je rekel ameriški pisatelj Gore Vidal v nekem intervjuju v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja – v ZDA sta resnično samo dve politični stranki in to tisti, ki gredo na volitve ter tisti, ki ne gredo; demokrati in republikanci so oboji ena partija, partija lobistov ameriškega velekapitala, temelječega predvsem na vojaško-industrijskem kompleksu, centru ameriškega imperija. V čem se bo Obama razlikoval od Busha (vesel bom, če me bo prihodnost postavila na laž)? »Irake« in »Afganistane« bo Obama po potrebi bombardiral ravno tako kot Bush, samo ravnal bo bolj v rokavicah, manj arogantno. Svetovni mediji bodo po diktatu »mnenjskih voditeljev« najprej pripravili javnost na »nujnost« militaristične obrambe civilizacije, Obama pa bo z razliko od Busha najverjetneje počakal tudi na odobritev institucij OZN-a. Žegen Vatikana pa ameriški vodja protestantsko-katoliškega križarskega vojnega stroja že tako ima, saj je po katoliški doktrini vsaka vojna v korist širjenja vpliva katoliškega »boga« (beri: Vatikana in njegovih podrepnikov) »pravična«. Kdor ne verjame, naj si prebere katoliški uradni učbenik »Vera cerkve«. Tukaj so islamski »Allah je velik in edini« vojščaki neinovativni – samo bleda kopija militaristične ideologije rimske babilonske vlačuge.

    Borislav Kosi, Križevci pri Ljutomeru

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