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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     Nujen klic za Slovenijo -- A ban on genetically modified foods
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     oktober 12 2010 18:14  (Prebrano 1069 krat)  
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    Če še niste, prosim podpišite.
    Edino Slovenci nismo dosegli kvote predpisane za posamezno državo.
    Pa posredujte dalje...


    * * *

    Dear friends,

    The European Commission has recently approved growing genetically modified crops in the European Union for the first time in 12 years!

    Caving to the GM lobby, the commission has ignored 60% of Europeans who feel we have to get the facts first before growing foods that could pose a threat to our health and environment.

    A new initiative allows 1 million EU citizens to make official legal requests of the European Commission.We have now reached a million voices for a ban on GM foods until the research is done, but are just short of the requested country quota for Slovenia. Sign the petition and forward this email to friends and family:

    Consumers, public health, environmental and farmers groups have long rallied against a few international GM companies having such significant influence over European agriculture. Concerns about growing GM crops include: contamination of organic crops and the environment; their impact on climate due to the excessive need for pesticides; the destruction of biodiversity and local agriculture; and the effects of GM food on public health.

    EU member states have voiced strong opposition to the EC decision to authorise BASF's potato and Monsanto's maize -- Italy and Austria are opposed, and France said it would ask for further scientific research.

    There is still no consensus on the long-term effects of GM crops. And it is the GM industry, pursuing profits not public well being, that is funding the science and driving the regulatory environment. That is why European citizens are calling for more independent research, testing and precaution before crops are unleashed onto our land.

    Now, the "European Citizens' Initiative" gives 1 million EU citizens the opportunity to submit policy proposals to the European Commission and offers us a unique chance to drown out lobbyists' influence.

    Let's make sure we meet the quota for Slovenia to put a moratorium on the introduction of GM crops into Europe and set up an independent, ethical and scientific body to research and determine the strong regulation of GM crops. Sign the petition now and then forward it widely:

    With determination,

    Alice, Benjamin, Ricken, Luis, Graziela and the entire Avaaz team.

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