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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Okolju prijazno, eko & bio... Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     Greenpeace: Splavili smo virtualno ladjo
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     september 21 2010 08:56  (Prebrano 1226 krat)  
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    Come sailing on the new Greenpeace virtual ship!

    We have just launched a new Greenpeace ship, the SV Energy [R]evolution - and on this one, everyone can be a crew member:

    Join the crew!

    Before you start packing your waterproofs, we should probably tell you that this ship's a little different - it's a virtual ship. But, just like our physical ships, it's on a mission to rid the world of dirty energy like oil, coal and nuclear power and set a course for a big bright future fuelled by the sun, wind, and renewable energy.

    Like the Greenpeace ships which are visiting the places worst affected by fossil fuels -- our virtual vessel will take action for clean energy, fuelled by your support for an Energy [R]evolution.

    Once you've signed up, you can join other crew members taking part in a range of online and offline activities that lead to a global day of action on October 10th: 10.10.10. You don't have to chain yourself to anything to join the day of action - there are lots of things you can do to promote a clean energy future!

    See you onboard soon,

    The crew of the SV Energy [R]evolution.

    your life, your expression, your software
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