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Izlivanje nafte v Mehiškem zalivu se stopnjuje in to območje postaja katastrofalno ranljivo. Strokovnjaki pravijo, da se je v izvirnem naftnem vrelcu oblikoval ogromen in zelo toksičen plinski balon in ustvarja se ekstremen pritisk – razpoke so se že ustvarile. Napovedujejo realne možnosti vulkanu podobne eksplozije, ki bi povzročila cunami in druge večje dogodke.
Da boste lažje razumeli ta najbolj resen rastoč potencial katastrofalnih razmerij, prisluhnite in poglejte naslednja videa v angleščini
V teh naslednjih nekaj tednih bomo mi doživljali ekstremno močne energije, povezane z astrološkimi uravnavami, solsticijem in mrki. Sedaj je bolj kot kadarkoli potrebna vaša pomoč z osredotočenimi molitvami in vašimi povezavami z energijo svetlobe. Prosite za božjo pomoč, da se prekine izliv nafte v zaliv in da se območje povrne v uravnotežene pogoje. Prosite, da naj nad morskimi živalmi bdijo božanske zdravilne roke svetlobe.
Prosim, vprašajte vsakogar od vas in omrežne skupine, da pomagajo v združevanju tega osredotočenja, ki se naj začne sedaj povezovati z univerzalnimi energijami. Vaše osredotočenje naj bo uravnano z božjo voljo in z najvišjim dobrim vseh vpletenih.
Molitev Svetega Frančiška Asiškega z dovoljenjem Kuthumi šole modrosti
Molitev Svetega Frančiška
Lord, napravi me za instrument tvojega miru,
koder je sovraštvo, naj posejem ljubezen,
koder je krivica, odpuščanje ,
koder je dvom , vero,
koder je obup, upanje,
koder je tema, svetlobo,
koder je žalost, veselje.
O božanski mojster , zagotovi, da jaz ne bi tako zelo iskal, da bi bil potolažen, kot , da bi tolažil,
da bi bil razumljen, kot, da bi razumel,
da bi bil ljubljen, kot, da bi ljubil.
Ker je to v dajanju, da mi sprejemamo,
je to v oproščanju, da nam je oproščeno,
in je to v umiranju, da smo rojeni v večno življenje.
Jaz sem Kuthumi. Mi tukaj v Svetu svetlobe ( the Council of Light) rotimo vsakega od vas, da greste sedaj v akcijo skozi vaš čisti namen reševanja vašega planeta. Ta dogodek se je ustvaril skozi pohlep ljudi. Kakorkoli že, vi lahko naredite razliko, vi lahko napravite korak naprej v ohranitvi planeta. Mi upamo, da ko bodo ljudje videli nastajajoče učinke tega opustošenja, bodo dvignili svoje roke in rekli »stop«. Vsak od vas bo gledal na to, kar ustvarjate na Zemlji. Ker jaz vam pravim, kar vi ustvarjate na Zemlji, bo vplivalo na vaše bodoče preživetje. Ste pripravljeni, da stopite sedaj naprej? Da se povežete skupaj v molitvi, meditaciji in z glasom, da rečete dovolj! Mi vas rotimo, da bolj skrbite za vaš planet Zemljo. Čas je, da vzdržujete in ne rušite tega, kar vam daje življenje.
Mojster Kuthumi in Svet svetlobe skozi Lynette Leckie-Clark
Vnebovzeti mojster Kuthumi
Bivši Chohan (ali »overseer« - nadzornik – opomba prevajalke) drugega žarka božanskega razsvetljenja (the Second Ray of Divine Illumination), mojster Kuthumu (tudi imenovan Koot Hoomi in K.H.) sedaj služi z mojstrom Jezusom/Sanando kot svetovni učitelj. V eni njegovih zgodnejših inkarnacij na Zemlji je bil Pitagora (približno 582 – 507 p.n.š.), grški filozof in matematik. V 1. stoletju je bil tudi inkarniran kot Baltizar, eden od treh svetih treh kraljev (Wise men), ki je pripotoval iz Vzhoda, da bi se poklonil kristusovemu otroku. Mojster Kuthumi je bil tudi inkarniran kot sveti Frančišek Asiški v letu 1182 v Italiji, med katero je ustanovil Frančiškanski red redovnikov (the Franciscan Order of friars).
Mojster Kuthumi je živel izjemno samotarsko življenje, kar je pripomoglo, da so javne zabeležke o njem v najboljšem primeru nekako razdrobljene. Mahatma Kuthumi je bil v zgodnjem devetnajstem stoletju Punjabi, katerega družina je bila nastanjena v Kashmiru. V letu 1850 je obiskoval Univerzo v Oxfordu. Svoja preostala leta je preživel v lamaitskem samostanu v Shigatse, Tibet.
Vnebovzeti mojster Kuthumi je bil eden prvih mojstrov, ki nam je prinesel na naš planet znanje Velike bele bratovščine mojstrov (the Great White Brotherhood of Masters). To je bil mojster Kuthumi, ki je dal svetu učenja gospe Blavatsky, rezultat česar je bila ustanovitev Teozofske družbe v poznem devetnajstem stoletju. Eno prvih okultnih del, ki so javno razodela starodavna učenja šol skrivnosti je bilo Isis nezastrta (Isis Unveiled), ki jo je narekoval gospe Blavatsky mojster Kuthumi , ki je delal skupaj z ljubljenim mojstrom El Moryo in mojstrom Jezusom /Sanando. Temu je sledilo delo Sveta doktrina (The Secret Doctrine) in druga globoka dela, kanalizirana preko gospe Blavatsky s pomočjo mojstra Kuthumija (za več informacij o mojstru K.H. se naj bralci usmerijo na knjigo C. W. Leadbeater z naslovom Mojstri in pot ( The Masters and the Path)).
Vnebovzeti mojster Kuthumi je varuh vrat starodavnih okultnih skrivnosti in je tudi sozaščitnik svetega grala (the Holy Grail) – starodavnega prizadevanja za samozavedanje. Mojster Kuthumi bo koristen v ponovnem pojavljanju znanja, ki je bilo tako dolgo izgubljeno za človeštvo. On se prizadeva tudi pomagati tistim, ki so udeleženi v religioznem poučevanju. Pri tem vzpodbuja vse, ki jih to zadeva, da odprejo svojo srčno čakro, da bi izražali brezpogojno ljubezen vsem. Mojster Kuthumi sedaj deli vlogo svetovnega učitelja.
Za Mojstra Kuthumija pravijo, da je eden najbolj duhovitih vnebovzetih mojstrov. Ko pokličete ljubljenega Kuthumija, vedite, da vam bo ljubezen in sočutje, ki vam ju pošilja, podarila blagoslov Boga in celotne bratovščine. Ne bojte si ga poklicati, da bi obrnil vaše solze žalosti v veselje.
Prevedla: Marija Batista
O hudem stanju in možnih katastrofalnih scenarijih, ki bi lahko prizadeli tudi obale Evrope in cel svet govori tudi spodnje sporočilo bitij svetlobe izven Zemlje v angleščini. Žal ga nisem uspela prevesti.
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
Increasing Intensity of the Chaotic Node: The Gulf of Mexico
You are entering a very difficult passage in this phase of the Chaotic Node. Danger to planetary life has been created through human arrogance, greed and stupidity. We are speaking here of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. You have not been told the entire truth about the situation by your media or by your government. The situation is dire and there are multiple possible timelines that intersect this event.
We wish to discuss some of these, but then shift our attention to you, the individual human. These timeline possibilities we are discussing are malleable, changeable. They are not written in stone, as the saying goes. There are so many factors involved in the ecological disaster unfolding in the Gulf; it is difficult to predict the actual outcome, as it will appear in your three-dimensional reality. And as we have said before, things can radically change even in the eleventh hour.
The oil and gas reserves that have been punctured are vast, and if it is not contained it will unfold into several possibilities.
One of these extreme possibilities is the extinction of much (if not all) sea life in the Gulf region and a transporting of the contaminants into the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf Stream to the coast of Europe, where a high level of toxicity will negatively affect ocean life in these regions of the Atlantic. If the puncture is not sealed, pollution of the entire Atlantic Ocean is a distinct possibility, and eventually the rest of the world's oceans will be compromised. The further away from the Gulf region, the less toxicity there will be. But one distinct possibility is an eventual contamination of the entire Earth's oceans.
In a worsening scenario, the methane gas, the natural gases in this field, could erupt and break through the ocean floor creating a tsunami of immense destructive capability as well as the release of poisonous gases into the region.
Another worse case scenario would unfold if the rift in the ocean floor were large enough to create a tectonic shift that rises up from the Gulf into the Mississippi and into the Great Lakes. This would be a disastrous scenario far beyond imagination.
Again, the current situation in the Gulf is a direct result of human arrogance, greed and stupidity on the part of the corporations involved in this incident and due to governmental negligence. The primary value that drives these corporate interests is profit, and so risks were taken that should have never been taken had the sanctity of life been included in the equation, but such was not the case. Sadly this is a trait of the age you are now leaving, and you are witnessing, first hand, the defamation of the waters of the Earth by a culture that depends upon oil and corporate interests that prevent the utilization of other technologies, all in the name of profit.
What will your money be worth if life is compromised? This simple intelligence test seems to have been failed. You are literally at the brink of the collapse of the old world and a chaotic birthing into the new.
The Chaotic Nodes are upon you in ever-increasing intensity. We view these as birth contractions, the birthing of a new Earth. And while the birthing of the new world is unfolding before you, if you are caught in one of the contractions it can be quite difficult.
In our opinion there is no place on Earth that will not be affected by the planetary changes, both natural and manmade. Some areas of the world will be less intensely affected, but all will be radically altered. Life on your planet is an interconnected web.
We advise those who are currently living in the Gulf region from twenty miles inland to the coastline to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. This is a time for honed (izostreno intuition and instinct. If you feel an intuition to leave the area, this will be an intelligence test. Who will pass and who will fail is simply the impersonal force of evolution at hand.
If the Gulf incident continues without mitigation, then this will be a time of immense challenges for the entire planet. And so even if you are not living near the Gulf, this is a time for intuition and instinct. Our advice is to hone these abilities within you and to act on the revelations that come to you. Each of you will be in the place, the circumstances and the timing based upon your level of evolution and what you came to Earth to experience.
However bleak a situation may appear to you, we wish to convey clearly this message: you are the co-creator of your reality. Move upward in consciousness, even if those around you move downward. If the situation deteriorates it will be a difficult time, in that, mass hysteria will increase, and you will have to find the center path, the narrow passage that leads upward. In the past we have given suggestions on how to bootstrap your consciousness. We won't go into those here. You may find them in the Archives.
Now is the time to step into your spiritual authority if you have not already done so. A dividing line is being drawn by evolution. The planet is responding to human greed, arrogance and stupidity. Gaia will survive this. It is not clear if the bulk of humanity will.
But even in the midst of this moving darkness there are exquisite opportunities to move upward in consciousness, both as individuals and as culturally creative/cooperative human communities.
You can also expect a continual deterioration of your financial system. The seeming recovery (okrevanje)was a result of propping up,a house of cards, and that house is beginning to shake again.
Our suggestion is to not be frightened by these changes that are upon you, but recognize them as breaks in the walls of a prison that have been erected around you. Step through the cracks into your freedom. You are creator gods and goddesses. You hold an immense power in your hands, but you have been sleeping and unaware of the immensity that you possess. Perhaps with this crisis in the Gulf, more of humanity will awaken and demand an end to the old ways that threaten all life.