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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     Skeniranje z x-žarki na letališčih nevarno
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     november 19 2010 13:19  (Prebrano 2312 krat)  

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 12/14/04
    Posts: 47

    V spodnjem sporočilu pod naslovom Ljubeznivo in miroljubno preustvarjanje vseh temnih situacij, ki je bilo poslano iz, lahko v angleškem jeziku preberete, da je Mati Sekhmet (veliko bitje svetlobe iz spiritualnega sveta) povedala, da so nasilni x-žarki, ki se jih uporablja s skenerji/radarskimi napravami (AIT ali Advance Imaging Technology) na letališčih, zelo nevarni. Kontrola ni na vseh letališčih enaka. Zaradi tega predlaga, da vsi, zlasti pa starejši ljudje, noseče ženske in otroci odločno odklonijo, da gredo skozi kontrole s skeniranjem z x-žarki. Veliko večja je nevarnost poškodb človeških teles preko takšnih kontrol, kot pa nevarnost bobnih napadov v letalih. V ZDA bo potekala 24. novembra 2010 miroljubna akcija, v kateri bodo ljudje na razne načine zahtevali, da se spremeni zakonodaja in prepove kontrola z x-žarki na letališčih.
    Obvestite o nevarnosti kontrol z x-žarki na letališčih čim več ljudi, ki potujejo z letali!

    Kjer so v tem sporočilu navedeni linki na spletne strani, je treba vpisati pred linkom trikrat w, ker sistem jemlje članek kot »Spem«, če je to v spletnih naslovih navedeno, in članka ne sprejme.

    Marija Batista
    Ashtar & Sekhmet: An Opportunity To Move UP

    From: Ashtar On The Road ; Date: Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 2:26 AM

    Ashtar: "We are upping the vibrations from which we think, speak and act. Remember the "sit-ins" of the 60's? Leaders taught peaceful resistance. Resistance is negative, low vibe, so now we're stepping up to a complete makeover. In other words, we're not just saying 'no' to all that is the status quo in the United States of America and indeed in her 'ally' nations. We are not only clearing the blockages to Peace and Freedom based in high vibe Love . We are re-creating all of these dark-inspired situations and scenarios - yes, plans for your futures - by calling in the Light of Love, the Violet flame, the Sword of Truth (Excalibur), and we are indeed bringing about the Golden Age into your reality base.

    "The energies of 11-11 are more supportive than ever before, and so it is that we can be of utmost assistance to you, Beloved Ones, in bringing about the state of beingness which is your birthright, and which you are re-discovering as you observe and feel all that the dark hats have created in your world to unbalance and enslave you. These accompanying stories are but one area where change is needed, and they do give you an opportunity to feel all of its aspects. We ask that you send Love and Light to all concerned, to be a part of the lifting up into the Light. If you feel so inclined, you can email your congressperson and senators to let them know your views. (Perhaps you can invite them to decide whether to opt for the deadly machine or a public search of their persons when they fly home for the holy-days.) If you are a Traveler, act your decision from an informed perspective, courteously and peacefully.

    "In any case, stand tall in the Light of your Courage, and we stand with you, as your brothers, sisters, and fellow citizens of the Galactic Federation!!!!"

    Elise and Fran heard from Mother Sekhmet today, while bobbing in the beautiful Maui waters, that the TSA invasive x-raying and pat-downs have to stop. She recommends that especially older people, pregnant women and children refuse to go through the x-ray scanners and accept the pat-down because of the dangers of the machines.

    She also wants us to support the National Opt-Out Day at airports on Wednesday November 24th. The more people who refuse the scanners and take the pat-down in full view of other passengers the sooner this will change. She assured us that people standing up for their rights like this and protecting their bodies from these x-rays will be a signal to the Galactic Federation that we are ready for our freedom.

    Elise's notes from memory: This may be the only human body you have, so take care of it. [These body scanners are not good for the body]. If you have to travel, plan extra time in the airport to do the body search. If you are elderly or ill don't go through the scanners. Even if you have an energy pendant, they may have you take it off. Different airports may be different. Allow a body search of your beautiful body. Be loud with your disapproval, so others can hear you, of having to go through this extraordinary step in the name of safety. You could say you are more afraid of the radiation than you are of the threat of bombs.

    This is the crest of the wave of change that we are in. Send the information out to those who are traveling… Staying on top of the shift is the easiest and smoothest way to ride it out..
    When will enough be enough? Stand for your freedom! Stand tall! Don’t follow along acting like sheeple (boječ).

    Send the information to Congress and invite them and their family to go through a body search to experience this invasion of privacy. When the cure(zdravilo) is more dangerous than the disease, it is not a good choice.

    Peace and harmony comes from expecting the same. If you prepare a defense for a threat that is not a reality yet, you will certainly set the seeds in motion to manifest that very threat to take place.
    It is good to be aware of people who are sending out energies of ill will, but to expect it, and spend billions of dollars to buy machines which give us an illusion of protection, is simply money in the pockets of those who are wolves in sheeps clothing.

    Systems of the body and the nation are one and the same, according to Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief. "..When you believe that you are unsafe on the outside and are in some level of fear, your nervous system activates the adrenal system and employs its own Department of Defense. In the process of this alarm system blaring, it takes resources from your immune system, your inner defense system, and depletes your energy to support yourself in wellness and balance."
    In other words, if you are in fear, you have limited resources to fight back, and that is how certain people have manipulative control over the sheeple. Why would you give up your rights and allow a high degree of physical damage to yourself on the extremely low percentage of probability of some kind of attack?

    We also note that Ron Paul has introduced a bill in Congress to stop these invasive procedures and the New Jersey legisture is taking action in their state. The internet and youtube are full of videos of information on this and this peaceful National Opt-Out Day is important to raise awareness and bring about action. We provide links below for your information. Please forward this widely.

    - Ron Paul introducing his bill to stop this invasiveness.
    - video on former Homeland Security Administrator Michael Chertoff's involvement.
    - New Jersey Legislature action and expert testimony
    - video of Keith Olberman on Nov 17th interviewing a former El Al security chief who says the scanners and pat-downs are insanity and recommends instead quick passenger interviews by friendly security personnel, a one-on-one assessment of risk.
    - Man who refused scanner.
    - their recommendation:

    It's the day ordinary citizens stand up for their rights, stand up for liberty, and protest the federal government's desire to virtually strip us naked or submit to an "enhanced pat down" that touches people's breasts and genitals. You should never have to explain to your children, "Remember that no stranger can touch or see your private area, unless it's a government employee, then it's OK."
    The goal of National Opt Out Day is to send a message to our lawmakers that we demand change. No naked body scanners, no government-approved groping. We have a right to privacy and buying a plane ticket should not mean that we're guilty until proven innocent. This day is needed because many people do not understand what they consent to when choosing to fly.

    Here are the details:
    You, your family and friends traveling by air on Wednesday, November 24, 2010.
    National Opt-Out Day. While the government doesn't always like to advertise this, you have the ability to opt-out of the naked body scanner machines (AIT, or Advance Imaging Technology, as the government calls it). All you have to do is say "I opt out" when they tell you to go through one of the machines. You will then be given a pat down. As the TSA says, "Everyday is opt-out day." That is, you can opt out any time you fly.
    At an airport near you!
    Wednesday, November 24, 2010. We want families to sit around the dinner table, eating turkey, talking about how their experience and what constitutes and unreasonable search, and how much privacy are we will to give up - especially for children. We hope the outrageous experience then propels people to write their Member of Congress and the airlines to demand change.
    The government should not have the ability to virtually strip search anyone it wants. If you don't like it and don't want to be virtually strip searched, then too bad says the government. To try and make everyone comply with the naked body scanners, the government has made the alternative worse! With their enhanced pat downs, there are reports from travelers that TSA now touches the genitals and private areas of men, women and children in a much more aggressive manner. We do not believe the government has a right to see you naked or aggressively feel you up just because you bought an airline ticket.
    By saying "I opt out" when told to go through the bodying imaging machines and submitting to a pat down. Also, be sure to have your pat down by TSA in full public - do not go to the back room when asked. Every citizen must see for themselves how the government treats law-abiding citizens.


     november 19 2010 15:55   
    Forum Zvezdica

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 11/04/10
    Posts: 33
 ---- Resist the Body Scanners

    "People who give up their freedoms for protection deserve neither."

    Benjamin Franklin

     november 19 2010 16:01   
    Forum Zvezdica

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 11/04/10
    Posts: 33
 --- naked body scanners odpor

     november 22 2010 17:22   
    Forum Zvezdica

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 11/04/10
    Posts: 33

    In little noticed comments made during an appearance on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show on Fox News, Glenn Beck warned that the Obama administration wouldn’t hesitate to exploit a terror attack targeting airliners to blame the event on people protesting naked body scanners and TSA groping in airports.

    The TSA is part of a larger effort to implement a slow motion surveillance and high-tech police state control grid in America. It is an element of the “alternative geography” of the military-corporate-intelligence establishment, an aspect specifically designed to acclimate Americans to the prospect of an ever encroaching police state

    Bill Gates: Register Every Birth by Cellphone To Ensure Vaccination, Control Population Growth

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