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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
    Gost: še en gost
     november 24 2011 16:05   

    Ampak panefin saj se vi tudi ponujate kot bergla vsem ki bi utegnili pomisliti o sebi da bodo brez vas slepi, gluhi in hromi. Ni pa to edini problem panefin. Obstaja en mnogo večji problem pri vas in z vami. Ta problem in to ogromen problem je da si vi izmišljate luknje in ovire na cesti kjer jih ni zato da bi lahko vaša opozorila sploh imela kakšen smisel. In sedaj glavno. Kolateralna škoda pri tem vašem početju bi utegnila biti velika ker so vaše izmišljene luknje in ovire na cesti vezane na ljudi in skupine ljudi ki naj bi domnevno po vaših opozorilih sodeč bili povzročitelji teh ovir, lukenj in drugih vaših izmišljotin. Morda se res ne zavedate svojega početja zato pa vam za vsak slučaj povem še sam. Gre za žaljenje, netoleranco, nesprejemanje drugačnosti vsega vam neznanega, diskreditiranje kakršnegakoli zavestnega prizadevanja, vse v imenu poveličevanja nekakšnega brezumja. Taka početja ki smo jim priča z vaše strani se včasih in ponekod imenujejo tudi za nemoralna in podla. In panefin, morda ne bi škodovalo če se malo omejite v teh svojih opozarjanjih. Zagotavljam vam da ne bo nobene nove katastrofe več brez vaših opozoril.

    Gost: gost
     november 24 2011 16:55   

    - Gre za žaljenje, netoleranco, nesprejemanje drugačnosti vsega vam neznanega, diskreditiranje kakršnegakoli zavestnega prizadevanja, vse v imenu poveličevanja nekakšnega brezumja. Taka početja ki smo jim priča z vaše strani se včasih in ponekod imenujejo tudi za nemoralna in podla.-

    "še en gost/ja", kje ste videl/a žaljenje? Kaj pomeni podlost? Besni ste, ker panefin najbolj človeški med vsemi vami in se ne da sprovocirati ter ne obtožuje ampak prikazuje. Ker se drži, kot človek in ne, kot ... "še en gost".

    -nemoralna početja-... v tem kar piše ste videli nemoralna početja? Ta svet je res obrnjen na glavo. Nemoralno početja ta tvoj komentar "še en gost", ker podtikaš obtožbo, ki je zrasla v tvoji glavi na podlagi tvoje domišljije in nenazadnje - je prav tvoj komentar podel in nemoralen.

    panefin, berem te, hvala ti, da si tu!

    Gost: Gostija
     november 24 2011 17:23   

    Dober tek
    na zdravje

    Gost: Uroševa Afirmacija
     november 24 2011 19:06   


    Gledam te.
    In vedno te vidim prvič, ljubezen moja.
    Tako lepa si v rosi najinega jutra.
    Primerjam te z oblaki, narisanimi na rjuhi tvojih sanj.
    Božam te.
    In vedno te božam prvič, ljubezen moja.
    Tako nežna si v vonju najinega jutra.
    Primerjam te s sanjami, pojočimi o tebi.
    Gledam te.
    In te poljubim.
    In ko te poljub moj prebudi, se zgane vesolje najino.

    Zbirka: Zate, ljubezen moja

    Gost: Zokijeva zimska služba
     november 24 2011 22:22   

    Ej, panefin, zdej ga bi pa že žihr nehu srat. A ne vidiš da si en totalen gnil jajc, klopotec.

     november 25 2011 09:23   
    Forum Ozvezdje

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 07/12/11
    Posts: 95

    Vinetou sedaj morati delati red v ta saloon. Najprej dati vsi človeki v ta lokal ena Vinetu globalna afirmacija: »Manitu biti ljubezen«. Panefin morati takoj ugotoviti če ta afirmacija biti nevarna, ali biti bergla brez atest. Potem to javiti Zokijeva zimska služba, ki biti zadolžena odstraniti panefinova skala, led in luknja s pločnik.
    Vinetou tudi povedati vsi človeki v lokal da Zokijeva zimska služba objaviti vsa skala, luknja in led na pločnik vsak dan in to na Zulukafer valovih radia Erevan. Zato panefin ne treba več skrbeti za skala, luknja in led, ker to vsak lahko slišati pri obvestila na Zulukafer val. Ampak panefin še ne rešiti Vinetou paradoks in tudi ne uporabiti Vinetou koan da se zaceliti. To vse biti pogoj da panefin dobiti atest za njegova bergla. Potem panefinova bergla biti z atest varna in neškodljiva za vsi človeki. Potem panefin lahko prodajati bergla na radio Erevan, na Pozitivka pa še naprej igrati legenda od ta saloon, tako da opozarjati na slabo delo Zokijeva zimska služba. Vinetou razložiti še o Manitu ljubezen. Ta biti tudi kadar Oldshuterhand udariti bedaka v čeljust kadar Oldshuterhand biti v panefinovo stanje »Jaz nisem«. To biti nemanifestirana ljubezen in ko bedaka nehati boleti on biti zaceljen v »Jaz sem«.

     november 25 2011 09:54   
    Forum Rimska cesta
    Rimska cesta

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 07/06/11
    Posts: 160

    Spoštovani nekateri afirmatorji,
    vse karkoli si mislimo o drugih smo mi sami.
    Zavedati se tega, pomeni narediti konec tisočletnim vzorcem, ki nas imajo v oblasti.
    Videti je, da ti vzorci kar prihajajo na plano po tekočem traku in jih nismo prav nič osvobojeni.

    Lahko se ne strinjamo glede teh afirmacij in to je povsem nekaj naravnega, je pa druga stvar kako to izražamo in kako reagiramo na "tisto drugačno".

    Vsak za sebe bo najbolje sam vedel kaki odnosi so njemu po godu in kako komunikacijo si želi.

    Videti pa je, da te afirmacije nimajo prav nobene vrednosti kadar iz človeka vdarijo tisti skriti individualni in kolektivni vzorci takoj ko naleti na kako oviro in stvarni problem, na nekaj česar ne razume.
    Take reakcije so pri nekaterih daleč od usklajenosti s "pozitivnimi, ljubečimi..." afirmacijami, ki jih zagovarjate.

    Od vseh besed so dejstva edina, ki štejejo.

    Točno to sem želel pokazati o teh afirmacijah.
    So le dodatna navlaka na gore že ustaljenih, avtomatičnih in pogojenih starih vzorcev in reakcij iz katerih smo narejeni.
    Na tak način svet definitivno ne bo pridobil na kakovosti.

    Naučite me in mi pokažite, da se motim.

    Srečno in z vsem spoštovanjem do vseh.


     november 26 2011 10:49   
    Forum Ozvezdje

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 07/12/11
    Posts: 95

    Ena od afirmacij ki jo panefin permanentno javno ponavlja se glasi približno tako, da so afirmacije nepotrebne, škodljive bergle in da je afirmiranje zavajanje ter zlorabljanje naivnih neumnežev. Katera afirmacija bi torej panefinu lahko pomagala prenehati izvajanje afirmacije proti afirmacijam ? To je Panefin – Vinetujev paradoks številka 2. Predlogi rešitev tega paradoksa so zelo dobrodošli.

    Za dopolnilne ure pa daje Vinetou panefinu v reševanje še sledeči koan.
    Ali je možno s kakšno afirmacijo ustaviti permanentno afirmiranje iz Panefin – Vinetujevega paradoksa , ki je podan zgoraj ?

    V primeru uspešne razrešitve koana se panefinu prizna rešitev prvega in drugega paradoksa, ki ju še ni rešil in s tem pridobitev licence o neškodljivosti za prodajo njegovih antiafirmacijskih bergel.

    Gost: usa
     november 30 2011 08:55   

    Znanstveni izsledki o pomlajevanju

    Tole je precej konkretnejše od afirmacij in se tiče znanstvenih raziskav s področja upočasnitve staranja. Spodnji - prvi krajši informativni tekst – prejeto iz je nepreveden, ampak vedoželjni si ga bodo že kako prevedli. V nadaljevanju pa so dodana obširnejša pojasnila, ki jih najdemo na povezavi v info tekstu.

    Seveda se moramo zavedati da je vse skupaj naravnano tipično ameriško in komercialno, toda ima materialne in znanstvene temelje zaradi katerih so te informacije vsaj po mojem zanimive.


    Regain Your Vitality
    Feel Decades Younger

    In 2009, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to researchers who discovered the primary cause of human aging – the long-sought-after “genetic clock” – and how to halt aging in its tracks.

    Dr. Al Sears, a longtime friend of Wild Divine, has been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning.

    More importantly, Dr. Sears explains exactly how you can use this technology to halt your own aging process in his book, Reset Your Biological Clock.

    I'm thrilled to announce that Dr. Sears is generously extending a special offer for his revolutionary book to you, our wonderful audience.

    I hope you'll take a moment to click here and find out more.

    Reset Your Biological Clock is not only a fascinating book--it shows you an easy way to discover how to turn back your genetic clock, live healthier and longer, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue, and feel years younger.

    Be well,

    Kyle Widner
    President, Wild Divine

    P.S. With the holidays fast approaching, this is the perfect time to get a jump start on your New Years resolutions!

    Using Dr. Sears' book, Reset Your Biological Clock, you can literally reboot your body--recapture your vitality, and look and feel better than you have in years.

    Click here to find out more.



    Al Sears, M.D. reveals exciting new breakthroughs that let you…
    Reset Your Biological Clock
    and Grow YOUNGER as You Age
    Dear Health-Conscious Friend:
    It’s one of the greatest discoveries of our time, and probably the most advanced anti-aging breakthrough in this century. It’s so groundbreaking that it received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
    In fact, this exciting research is so new and exclusive that you’ll never hear about it from your regular doctor.
    I’m Dr. Al Sears, M.D. I’ve been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning. And that’s great news for you. Here’s why…
    In recent years, researchers have discovered the primary cause of human aging – and how to halt it in its tracks!
    In other words, you really CAN grow younger as you age!
    Imagine waking up each morning and feeling like you’re 25 years old again.
    Back then, you probably jumped out of bed ready to greet each day. You were brimming with energy, youth and vitality that burned strong from the moment you kicked off the sheets – and it lasted all day long.
    I don’t know about you, but I plan on living my entire life with the same youth, stamina and vigor I had during my younger years. When I’m in my 80s – even my 90s – you won’t find me hobbling around the house on a walker. I want to be outside, playing ball with my great-grandchildren for as long as possible.
    And as an anti-aging doctor, I know about plenty of safe, proven and cutting-edge solutions to help me do exactly that. These exciting advances in anti-aging can halt the aging process, and even reverse it. So you can knock years off your age and live healthier and longer than ever before!
    Supercharge your energy and stamina
    Renew your youth and vitality
    Feel younger, look younger and LIVE younger … no matter what your current age
    The secret lies hidden in your DNA.
    You Don’t Have to Grow Old if You Don’t Want to
    Have you ever noticed that some people look old and weak well before their time … while others seem to stay young and healthy well into old age?
    It all has to do with something called “telomeres.”
    Telomeres act as the time-keepers for your DNA. As the cells in your body divide, your telomeres get shorter. The shorter your telomeres, the more you age. So the more often your cells divide, the older they behave and the more susceptible you are to age-related disease.
    One study of 60- to 75-year-olds showed people with short telomeres had a 300 percent higher death rate from heart disease. They also had an 800 percent higher death rate from infectious diseases.1
    Worse, when your telomeres get short enough, cell division stops. And that’s bad news. Because when new cells no longer replace damaged ones, you die.
    From the moment you are born, your telomeres start the countdown toward old age and all of the problems that come with it. Until recently you had no say on how quickly that happened.
    But today, new advances in telomere biology make it possible for you to reprogram the aging process and keep your DNA younger. You can essentially rejuvenate every single cell in your body and slow the aging process!
    In all of my years as a physician, I’ve never seen anything like this. It has the potential to change the face of aging forever. Decades from now the history books will point to this discovery as a turning point in human history.
    With this new understanding of the genetic process, you don’t have to take old age lying down. You can live well into your later years with robust health, supple skin, long-lasting energy and a powerful immune system to fight disease.
    I’ve spent the past several months writing a new book that includes everything you need to take control of your destiny … and your DNA.
    In my new book, Reset Your Biological Clock, I’ll show you how we’ve learned to tinker with the aging process so you can …
    Turn back your genetic clock and slow age-associated changes to your cells. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition identified three specific antioxidants that help quench oxidative damage and keep your DNA younger – so you can age more slowly.2
    Reverse the aging process. I’ll show you the foods, nutrients and exercises that empower your body to its fullest anti-aging capacity and naturally slow the shortening of your telomeres.
    Look Younger than Your Age?
    Here’s Happy News…
    Did you know that people who look younger than their age also live a longer and healthier life than those who look older than their years?
    It’s true!
    Researchers have discovered the younger your perceived age is, the more likely it is that you’ll have an extended lifespan.
    In a long-term study involving 913 pairs of twins, Danish researchers discovered that the twins who looked younger than their true age had better health and longer survival rates than their older-looking siblings. And the larger the difference in perceived age, the more likely it was that the older-looking twin died first.1
    The secret: The twins who looked younger had longer telomeres.

    1 Kaare Christensen, et al, “Perceived age as clinically useful biomarker of ageing: cohort study,” BMJ 2009;339:b5262
    You don’t have to get old, sick and tired before your time. With the information in Reset Your Biological Clock, you can reprogram your DNA – telling your body to slow aging, live longer and prevent diseases.

    But reprogramming your DNA and maintaining your telomeres is only part of the story. There are many additional things you can do every day to reset your biological clock to keep you revitalized well into your “golden years.”
    Flood Your Body with Unlimited Energy
    Whatever your age is, you don’t have to lose your strength and stamina as you grow older. Youth isn’t about chronological age. Youth is vibrant health and natural energy.

    In addition to maintaining your DNA, you can flood your body with energy from the inside out. With key nutrients that reverse aging, you’ll be able to revive the vitality and joie de vivre of your younger years. And with today’s cutting-edge breakthroughs, many of these nutrients are even more effective than ever.
    For example, when men and women between the ages of 69 and 87 took a new form of CoQ10 for nine months, their vitality scores soared dramatically.
    Before starting, these nursing-home residents filled out a “SF-36 questionnaire.” This is the best-known questionnaire for measuring your health status. It’s been used in over 2,000 published research studies.

    “My Energy Levels are Through
    the Roof!”
    “Ever since my heart attack, my energy levels have been very low. One day, I overheard my wife say I was ‘a shadow of my former self…' That was hard to take. Then a friend referred me to Dr. Sears and he started me on CoQ10. Within weeks, my life changed… My energy levels are through the roof! I had never heard of CoQ10 before this… I'm amazed!”
    - Michael Greene, Miami Beach, FL USA
    When these folks filled out the questionnaire a second time, their vitality scores went up by over 100 percent! These stunning results would not have been possible with the old form of CoQ10!
    This new form of CoQ10 gives you more power, energy and endurance. It improves your mood and makes you feel more positive – more optimistic about life.
    I tell you all about it in Reset Your Biological Clock. You’ll also learn about many other nutrients that will energize your body, your brain and your life…
    Stimulate your memory and make your brain sharper than a tack with this ancient herb. When you read something, you’ll “get it.” When someone is explaining something, you’ll understand what they’re getting at before they even get to the point. You’ll become extremely alert, with a clarity you thought was gone years ago.
    Banish chronic disease. Learn which nutrients provide the best protection from cancer, heart disease, arthritis, inflammation and more. Supercharge your immune system … sharpen your vision … reinvigorate your heart … boost your daytime energy and sleep like a baby at night.
    Put the brakes on cancer. Scientists have discovered this natural antioxidant puts the brakes on cancer cells at every stage in their development. It stops the cells from dividing, growing and spreading. Another study found it works with UVB rays to kill off skin cancer.4
    Overcome fatigue and look years younger. A shortage of this hormone will wear you down, make you tired and add years to your age. By the time you’re 65 years old, this crucial hormone will be reduced to about 10 percent of its peak. But when you learn how to replenish it, you’ll shake off stress, enhance your energy and halt wrinkles and other signs of aging. The authors of one study admit that “those with higher levels of it seem younger.”5
    Once you put these tips into play, you’ll feel younger, think younger and even act younger. And when your body is brimming with new-found youth and energy, you’ll also want younger looking skin, too…
    Give Your Skin a Radiant Glow
    Most everyone I know gets a big thrill when somebody pegs their age as much younger than it truly is. A single five-year deduction in age can put a smile on their faces for days. After all, who doesn’t like a compliment like that?

    Today, you have the ability to turn back the hands of time and reset the time-keepers that control your skin’s aging.
    In fact, there is an amazing new extract that helps maintain telomeres and stop the aging of skin cells. It’s so effective that it has been shown to reduce the age of skin by 30 percent.6
    Plus, it enhances cell function and quality of the tissue … extending the youth span of the skin to reduce all visible signs of aging – not just wrinkles.

    No matter what your age, in just a few short weeks, you can repair your skin’s DNA and rejuvenate your delicate skin tissue at the cellular level, adding decades of youth and vibrance to your face.

    I’ll tell you all about this revolutionary skin enhancer in Reset Your Biological Clock. Plus, you’ll learn how easy it is to…

    …Show a more luminous face to the world. Nourish your skin with antioxidant-rich foods, lotions and moisturizers. Discover the top five antioxidants that will help keep your skin looking younger, smoother and wrinkle-free. Page 41
    …Quench your thirsty skin. A loss of this naturally occurring molecule may be the reason our skin changes as we age. Discover the ultimate skin hydrator that defeats loose, dry and wrinkled skin. Page 49
    …Zap the aging effects of the sun. Destroy the destructive free radicals that form when sunlight hits your skin and power up your immune system at the same time. Discover the easiest way to give your skin a radiant glow. Page 51

    Your skin is the largest organ of your body. When it’s maintained properly with effective skincare, it can lead to an overall healthier and younger lifestyle.
    Recreate the Body of Your Youth
    The secrets in Reset Your Biological Clock help you feel younger, look younger and grow younger as you age. But it wouldn’t be complete without my strategies to help you build a stronger, healthier and more youthful body.
    Research now shows that the right kind of exercise can turn back the hands of time. And the more vigorous the exercise is, the more effect it will have.
    Recently a study of 2,401 twins found that moderate levels of activity had more effect on your shortening your telomeres than either zero exercise or over-exercising.7
    The professor that led the study said, “The act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process … and people may actually look and feel younger.”8
    When you rediscover the advantages of having lean, muscular body mass, strong lungs and a bulletproof heart, you’ll truly feel younger than your age.
    Imagine being able to golf several times a week, take up tennis once again and feeling spry enough to learn ballroom dancing. How about doing all the big chores around the house in a single day, like mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage… raking the leaves.
    That’s why I’ve included an entire section on how you can get into the best shape of your life. You’ll discover things like…
    …Why aerobics will make you sick, tired and old before your time. Aerobic exercise can wreck your body, cause you to gain weight and reduce your heart and lung capacity. Find out what you can do instead. Page 66
    …The best way to bulletproof your lungs. Your lungs are the number-one predictor of death. The smaller your lungs, the greater your chance of dying – of all causes. Find out what you can do to improve your lung health in just 12 minutes a day. Page 64
    …How you can quickly get into the best shape of your life. Lose weight, build muscle and give your heart the power of a 20-year-old. REAWAKEN the energy and vitality you had years ago – even if you’re past retirement. Page 67
    …The secret to revving up your metabolism. Discover the secret that can have your body working like a fat-burning furnace all day long, without sacrifice! Just do this… Page 78
    Getting just the right amount – and the right kind – of exercise can help you drop weight, improve your health and kick your energy into overdrive. And when you add the foods that your body craves, you’ll find yourself with the hot, young body of your youth.
    Restore Your Youth and Vitality… FOR LIFE!
    I plan on being around well into my 90s. Maybe even my 100s. And I’ve got plenty of weapons in my arsenal to make sure that happens. You’ll find all of them in Reset Your Biological Clock. Even if you only implement a few of my secret weapons, you’ll be able to…
    Grow younger as you get older.
    Feel younger than you have in years.
    Rejuvenate your skin for lasting beauty.
    Rebuild the body of your youth and live a younger life.
    I’ve authored many books, but I’ve never pulled together as much anti-aging information in one place as I have for Reset Your Biological Clock. The knowledge alone is priceless. The ability to put these strategies into play and extend your youth, health and vibrancy well into your later years makes it even more valuable.
    If I were to offer it through a large publishing house, they would place a big price tag on it … probably over $100. But as an anti-aging doctor, I want to get this book into as many hands as I can. Your health, vitality and longevity are my utmost concern.
    That’s why I’ve taken the extra time to publish this book myself and make it available to you in a convenient format that can be downloaded right over the internet. This way, I can keep the price affordable to you … while offering it in an easy-to-use format that’s immediately accessible so you can get started immediately.
    For only $24.97 you order your own printed copy of Reset Your Biological Clock right now and have it shipped directly to you. And there are no strings attached. If it doesn’t contain everything I’ve promised, if you don’t understand the recommendations … even if you simply change your mind, just let me know and I’ll return your money in full.
    Don't feel like waiting? You can download Reset Your Biological Clock right now for only $19.97.
    So you have absolutely nothing to risk and everything to gain.
    Combined, the strategies in Reset Your Biological Clock will help you look younger, feel younger and think younger than people half your age. Instead of spending your later years old, sick and tired, you’ll be able to live a long, rich and active life.
    Don’t wait. Click here to download the information in this book to start your journey to a healthier, younger and more beautiful you today!
    To Your Good Health,

    Al Sears, M.D.
    1 Cawthon, R.M., Smith, K.R., O’Brien, E., Sivatchenko, A., Kerber, R.A., “Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years or older,” Lancet 2003, 361(9355):393-395
    2 Xu, et al, “Multivitamin use and telomere length in women,” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. March 11, 2009
    3 Bishayee, A., “Cancer Prevention and Treatment with Resveratrol: From Rodent Studies to Clinical Trials,” Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, Pa.) Apr. 28, 2009
    4 Roy, et al, “Resveratrol Enhances Ultraviolet B-Induced Cell Death through Nuclear Factor-kappa B Pathway in Human Epidermoid Carcinoma A431 Cells,” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009
    5 Klatz, R., Grow Young with HGH, p. 93, Harper Col¬lins, NY, 1997
    6 “Topical Use of Teprenone,” Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma Inc. 2009
    7 Cherkas, L., Hunkin, J., et al, “The Association Between Physical Activity in Leisure Time and Leukocyte Telomere Length,” Arch. Intern. Med. 2008;168(2):154-158
    8 Stein, R., “Exercise Could Slow Aging,” Wash. Post Jan. 29, 2009
    To learn more about Pure Radiance Inc., call (888) 795-4005 or visit:
    Pure Radiance Inc.
    Attn: Customer Service
    11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
    Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 USA

    Gost: Kisumlek z žganci
     december 02 2011 11:16   

    Na Novi Zelandiji prepovedali pridelavo hrane - jo bodo tudi pri nas?

    Ko smo že pri globalnih problemih in afirmacijah.....
    Morda je novica nepreverjena toda to ni tako nemogoče, so pač prehiteli EU s pogubnimi "inovativnimi" ukrepi, s katerimi grozi tudi EU administracija. Dvomiti v možnost teh scenarijev bi bilo naivno in neodgovorno.

    Gost: Dru%9Atvo+MFE
     december 12 2011 15:15   

    Na prvem spodnjem linku je ena od mnogih novic, ki govore o tem kam plove barka človeštva. Konkretno je tu izpostavljena verjetna bližnja prihodnost Evrope, ali pa kar njena sedanjost. In to se presenetljivo dobro sklada tudi s prerokbami s palmovih listov (drugi link). Lahko zelo dvomimo da je ameriški general do svojih predvidevanj glede Evrope prišel na osnovi branja prerokb. Bolj verjetno je take napovedi dobil iz krogov vojaških analitikov. Prav tako pa lahko tudi upravičeno dvomimo da bodo obstoječe inštitucije ter vlade uspele zadnji trenutek spremeniti razmere, kakršne pač so. Pozitivno misleč del človeštva se bi moral povezati na drugačnih temeljih da bi laže prebrodili bližajoče civilizacijske in vsakršne druge viharje......

    Gost: Dru%9Atvo+MFE
     december 13 2011 10:11   

    Pred nami so mnoge in velike globalne spremembe. Nekatere se bodo odvijale postopno, nekatere morda nenadno. Človek se mora še posebej v takem obdobju obrniti vase, v svoje notranje večno življenje, ki je “Jaz sem”. Mentalna vezanost na karkoli obstoječega zunanjega ima zaradi neizbežnih sprememb lahko pogubne posledice za človekovo psiho in fizično zdravje, s tem pa tudi za človekov fizični obstoj, preživetje.

    Naj spomnimo da imajo človekova prepričanja ključno vlogo na mnogih področjih življenja.
    Zato nam ne bi smelo biti vseeno s kakšnimi prepričanji živimo. Afirmacije so eden od načinov za spreminjanje vzorcev, prepričanj, odnosa do sebe in življenja, do sveta.
    V kolikor z afirmacijo kreiramo nek nov vzorec, kateremu ne nasprotuje naša podzavest potem je to možno doseči hitro in enostavno, če smo le zainteresirani. Kadar pa z afirmacijo želimo nadomestiti nek obstoječ neželen vzorec, kalup, oziroma negativno afirmacijo utegne to zahtevati precej več napora in morda tudi drugačne metode. Poti in možnosti pa obstajajo.

    Dogajanje v svetu je čedalje bolj burno ter intenzivno. Spopadajo se stari in novi koncepti, ideje, pozitivne in negativne sile. Obstajajo mnoge organizacije in posamezniki, ki se na različne načine zavzemajo za pozitivne spremembe. Eden od načinov so tudi kampanje in afirmacije ter vizualizacije. Globalne afirmacije in vizualizacije omajo namen popraviti kolektivno mentaliteto človeštva, ki je samouničevalna ter okoljsko nesprejemljiva. Brez te spremembe so obeti za nujne netravmatične spremembe slabi. V tem primeru bo človeštvo moralo doživljati evolutivno dialektiko na precej bolj dramatičen in boleč način. Postopne spremembe s popravljanjem obstoječega bi bile veliko bolj zaželjene. To bi bila tudi lažja in hitrejša pot razvoja.

    Včerajšnjemu prispevku pa dodajamo še sveže novice o državljanski nepokorščini v ZDA – spodaj.
    Seveda pa se podobno dogaja še marsikje po svetu, naprimer Sirija pa Rusija. Ameriški general pa se bo moral po vsem sodeč osredotočiti kar na lastno domovino.

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