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žalostno je to Mr, da ga. "pomaga" ljudem "odpreti oči", svojo hči pa ne znala "rešiti" ...
sicer že pred njo W. Shakespear je rekel: "da celi svet - gledališće, in smo v njem vsi igralci"
in potem, človek izgubi občutek sočutja do "trpečih bolečino"... , ker vse je bilo "dogovorjeno". ?
Gost: Mr
avgust 28 2010 16:07
Katero hčerko? Saj je ločena in nima otrok.
Gost: spet
avgust 28 2010 16:49
Hue Dang Trinh je pozneje dobila duhovno ime Ching Hai.
"... the Supreme Master was born Hue Dang Trinh on May 12, 1950, in a small village in Vietnam, in the same province which later saw the My Lai massacre. The daughter of a Vietnamese mother and an ethnic Chinese father, Trinh reportedly hung out with American soldiers as a teenager, and bore one a daughter. At 19, during the height of the Vietnam War, Trinh left home with a German doctor working for an international relief organization.
Trinh's daughter later killed herself at 20.
Trinh married the doctor, and the couple moved first to Britain and then to Germany..."