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    Angleški prevod knjige Učitelji modrosti   
    četrtek, 29. julij 2010 @ 22:48 CEST
    Uporabnik: Pozitivke

    Izšel je angleški prevod knjige Učitelji modrosti:

    Igor Kononenko in Irena Roglič Kononenko:
    RoseDog Books, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2010.

    Knjiga je izšla v nekoliko manjšem formatu kot slovenska verzija (9X6’’) in ima zato več strani (414) in za razliko od slovenske verzije ima razen barvne platnice vse slike tiskane v črnobeli tehniki.

    Knjigo lahko naročite pri  Rosedog-u: l ali pri Amazon-u.

    Cena je 33USD plus poštnina plus 8,5% carine.

    Omejeno število izvodov je pri avtorju na voljo za 30Eur  (tel. 01 5071277)

    Več o knjigi je napisano tukaj:

    “If in a book there is one sentence which calls out to me, just one single sentence which I note down, think over and quote, then that book was well worth reading. In Teachers of Wisdom there are hundreds of such sentences. This is why one must constantly sift through the book. Taking only one teacher at a time, so that the heart opens out and upon it will settle wisdom that is older than the oldest book, higher than the highest mountain, and deeper than the deepest well. For it conveys the message of One, the Greatest, the Absolute. The message of heartfelt peace from the Source. Balsam for the soul and material for spiritual growth. For deep gratitude. And for the unconditional faith that people in modern times need like air, without which the lungs die and the heart ceases to beat. The heart of the world and the lungs of every individual. Thanks to God for the precious gift. Thanks to Igor and Irena for their care, for having placed this gift of Light into our embrace.”    
    --- Prof. Dr. Manca Košir

    “This book is a unique approach to spreading wisdom. Its main contribution are citations of the most important sages from known human history. It has the potential to become one of the most influential spiritual books of the 21st century.”            
    --- Prof. Viktor Gerkman

    “The book Teachers of Wisdom accompanied Dr. Janez Drnovšek (1950-2008), the former president of the Republic of Slovenia, during the last days of his life (he died of cancer). The book inspired him and helped him in his hard times. When he was not able to read anymore by himself, the people who took care of him read it to him.”  

    --- Prof. Dr. Stane Pejovnik

    “This is a book to be read slowly, not ‘swallowed down’ too fast. It is like a fine meal enjoyed in the company of close friends.”   
    --- Alan McConnell-Duff, M.Sc, writer and translator

    Teachers of Wisdom is a unique spiritual book. Ensembling voices of more than 70 enlightened sages, spiritual teachers, and masters, speaking across the gap of millennia, different countries and traditions into a single chorus to give the reader the feeling of their universal and everlasting validity. Yet the unique character of each message is not lost in the polyphony as there is no interpretation, and the reader is free to read the original words and adapt them to his/her own  spiritual level.”                     
    --- Prof. Dr. Marko Robnik Šikonja

    “The authors are a heartily dedicated pair, mastering large fields of science and spiritual arts. Their comprehensive collection of short biographies and most noteworthy citations of the most wise teachers really is a unique, hard-to-do treasure of essential knowledge. A very helpful and inspiring overview!”                                 
    --- Dr. Mitja Peruš, phyisicist

    “What is wisdom? Is it a rare quality that only a few ‘chosen ones’ possess and is unattainable to others? Or is it a cognitive quality that is accessible to everyone? Thoughts and experiences of various individuals across the globe, carefully collected and presented in this book, demonstrate that wisdom is universal and that it stems from the path towards awakeness, towards higher and higher realization of the inner Self.”
             --- Dr. Rober Leskovar, computer scientist

    “A beautiful inspiration to find the best in yourself and in the world. A book written with love.”

                 --- Andrej Trampuž, MSc, psychologist

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