Koledar Ustanove Tomo Križnar in
Humanitarne organizacije Hope 2016
V vrtincu vojne za naravne vire v Sahelu se skrivajo v votlinah Nubskih gora in Modrega Nila najbolj nedolžni ljudi na Zemlji. To so afriški staroselci iz plemen Komoganza in Kauniaro, ki nočejo pobegniti v begunska taborišča čez mejo v Republiko Južni Sudan, niti čez Saharo in Sredozemsko morje v obljubljeno Evropo zato, ker s seboj ne morejo odnesti svoje narave.
Narave v kateri so podobno kot v Svetem pismu, Koranu ali Talmudu zapisane izkušnje, vrednote in tabuji njihovih prednikov. Če bi pobegnili bi za seboj pustili svojo identiteto in … nedolžnost.
Voščimo jim blagoslovljen Božič in srečno Novo leto 2016. Z nakupom koledarja jim boste pomagali ostati. Vaš prispevek bo uporabljen za postprodukcijo novega dokumentarnega filma "Droni nad koreninami človeštva".
Cena: 9 EUR plus poštnina
Naročila na: narocila@tomokriznar.com
Plačilo: na TRR Ustanove Tomo Križnar
TRR: SI56 0510 0801 3175 987, BIC:ABANSI2X
Račun bo priložen pošiljki.
Najlepša hvala! Z najboljšimi željami.
Tomo Križnar
Calendar of Tomo Križnar Foundation and
Humanitarian Organization H.O.P.E for 2016
In the whirlwind of the war for natural resources in the Sahel, in caves in the Nuba mountains and Blue Nile province of Sudan, the most innocent people on Earth are seeking refuge. These are the indigenous African people of the Komoganza and Kauniaro tribes, who do not want to flee to the refugee camps over the border in the Republic of South Sudan, or accross the Sahara and the Mediterranean See into the promised lands of Europe, because they cannot take their natural environment with them. The environment in which, as in the Holy Bible, the Quran or the Talmud, the experiences, values and taboos of their ancestors are inscribed. If they were to flee, they would leave behind their identitity and their ... innocence.
Let us wish them a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2016. Your purchase of the calendar will help them endure. Your contribution will be used in the postproduction of the new documentary film "Drones above the roots of humanity".
Price: 9 EUR plus postage
Orders to: narocila@tomokriznar.com
Payment to: Tomo Križnar Foundation account
IBAN: SI56 0510 0801 3175 987, BIC:ABANSI2X
Receipt will be attached to the calendar.
Thank you. With best wishes. Tomo Križnar
Komoganza in Kauniaro. Sudan