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Dobrodošel! Naj bom prvi ki ti čestita ob namestitvi Geekloga. Prosim vzemi si čas in preberi vse v direktoriju 'docs'. Geeklog je izboljšal varnost, dobro bi bilo da vsaj približno razumeš kako ta deluje preden začneš v živo uporabljati to web aplikacijo.
Spodaj so izpisana uporabniška imena (usernames), ki imajo dostop da posebnih delov teh strani, razen Admina ki ima dostop do vsega.
Uporabniška imena (Accounts):
Welcome and let me be the first to congratulate you on installing GeekLog. Please take the time to read everything in the docs directory. Geeklog now has enhanced, user-based security.
You should thoroughly understand how these work before you run a production Geeklog Site.
Below are a list of usernames that have access to a specific portion of the site with the exception of Admin who has access to everything.
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